Chengbei Township/城北乡等 Postcode (China)

Chengbei Township/城北乡等 Postcode: 232100, 233122, 238206, 237058, 234000, 236613 (Number of Postcodes: 6 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in China click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Chengbei Township/城北乡等 Postcode location: 32.659, 116.969. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Chengbei Township/城北乡等 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (6):
>> Anhui/安徽, 232100 Chengbei Township/城北乡等, Fengtai County/风台县, GPS coordinates: 32.70947,116.71099
>> Anhui/安徽, 233122 Chengbei Township/城北乡等, Fengyang County/风阳县, GPS coordinates: 32.89751,117.61322
>> Anhui/安徽, 238206 Chengbei Township/城北乡等, He County/和县, GPS coordinates: 31.68985,118.35827
>> Anhui/安徽, 237058 Chengbei Township/城北乡等, "Lu'an City/六安市", GPS coordinates: 31.81764,116.53129
>> Anhui/安徽, 234000 Chengbei Township/城北乡等, Suzhou City/宿州市, GPS coordinates: 33.63932,116.98524
>> Anhui/安徽, 236613 Chengbei Township/城北乡等, Taihe County/太和县, GPS coordinates: 33.19893,115.61267