Chengguan Town/城关镇等 Postcode (China)

Chengguan Town/城关镇等 Postcode: 243100, 241200, 236300, 233605, 233400, 242500, 242100, 236400, 233500, 236709, 241300, 245100, 232200, 231300, 234300, 235100, 246501, 236602, 231401, 244100, 246202, 233300, 235200, 236200, 246700 (Number of Postcodes: 25 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in China click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Chengguan Town/城关镇等 Postcode location: 32.078, 117.091. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Chengguan Town/城关镇等 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (25):
>> Anhui/安徽, 243100 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Dangtu County/当涂县, GPS coordinates: 31.57122,118.49766
>> Anhui/安徽, 241200 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Fanchang County/繁昌县, GPS coordinates: 31.08291,118.19934
>> Anhui/安徽, 236300 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Funan County/阜南县, GPS coordinates: 32.63496,115.58565
>> Anhui/安徽, 233605 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Guoyang County/涡阳县, GPS coordinates: 33.58754,116.23062
>> Anhui/安徽, 233400 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Huaiyuan County/怀远县, GPS coordinates: 32.97014,117.20504
>> Anhui/安徽, 242500 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Jing County/泾县, GPS coordinates: 30.6919,118.41723
>> Anhui/安徽, 242100 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Langxi County/郎溪县, GPS coordinates: 31.13016,119.19462
>> Anhui/安徽, 236400 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Linquan County/临泉县, GPS coordinates: 33.06451,115.25788
>> Anhui/安徽, 233500 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Mengcheng County/蒙城县, GPS coordinates: 33.26569,116.56397
>> Anhui/安徽, 236709 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Mengcheng County/蒙城县, GPS coordinates: 33.15282,116.20788
>> Anhui/安徽, 241300 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Nanling County/南陵县, GPS coordinates: 30.91493,118.33426
>> Anhui/安徽, 245100 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Shitai County/石台县, GPS coordinates: 30.20986,117.48658
>> Anhui/安徽, 232200 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Shou County/寿县, GPS coordinates: 32.57345,116.78729
>> Anhui/安徽, 231300 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Shucheng County/舒城县, GPS coordinates: 31.46213,116.94862
>> Anhui/安徽, 234300 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Si County/泗县, GPS coordinates: 33.48299,117.91066
>> Anhui/安徽, 235100 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Suixi County/濉溪县, GPS coordinates: 33.91553,116.76636
>> Anhui/安徽, 246501 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Susong County/宿松县, GPS coordinates: 30.11034,116.2582
>> Anhui/安徽, 236602 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Taihe County/太和县, GPS coordinates: 33.33241,115.65241
>> Anhui/安徽, 231401 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Tongcheng City/桐城市, GPS coordinates: 31.04951,116.96232
>> Anhui/安徽, 244100 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Tongling County/铜陵县, GPS coordinates: 30.95268,117.79074
>> Anhui/安徽, 246202 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Wangjiang County/望江县, GPS coordinates: 30.13,116.69257
>> Anhui/安徽, 233300 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Wuhe County/五河县, GPS coordinates: 33.14465,117.88511
>> Anhui/安徽, 235200 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Xiao County/萧县, GPS coordinates: 34.18871,116.94729
>> Anhui/安徽, 236200 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Yingshang County/颖上县, GPS coordinates: 32.62885,116.26466
>> Anhui/安徽, 246700 Chengguan Town/城关镇等, Zongyang County/枞阳县, GPS coordinates: 30.69949,117.22016