Average GPS coordinates for Huangtian Town/黄田镇等 Postcode location: 23.659, 113.69. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Huangtian Town/黄田镇等 on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (2):
>> Guangdong/广东, 517075 Huangtian Town/黄田镇等, Heyuan City/河源市, GPS coordinates: 23.9005,114.83994
>> Guangdong/广东, 526251 Huangtian Town/黄田镇等, Sihui City/四会市, GPS coordinates: 23.41794,112.53945
Listing cities & postcodes (2):
>> Guangdong/广东, 517075 Huangtian Town/黄田镇等, Heyuan City/河源市, GPS coordinates: 23.9005,114.83994
>> Guangdong/广东, 526251 Huangtian Town/黄田镇等, Sihui City/四会市, GPS coordinates: 23.41794,112.53945