Average GPS coordinates for Shatian Town/沙田镇等 Postcode location: 23.264, 113.709. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Shatian Town/沙田镇等 on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (4):
>> Guangdong/广东, 523073 Shatian Town/沙田镇等, Dongguan City/东莞市, GPS coordinates: 23.01694,113.73709
>> Guangdong/广东, 514376 Shatian Town/砂田镇等, Fengshun County/丰顺县, GPS coordinates: 24.13977,116.45223
>> Guangdong/广东, 525254 Shatian Town/沙田镇等, Gaozhou City/高州市, GPS coordinates: 21.90204,110.7184
>> Guangdong/广东, 511170 Shatian Town/沙田镇等, Xinfeng County/新丰县, GPS coordinates: 23.99579,113.92644
Listing cities & postcodes (4):
>> Guangdong/广东, 523073 Shatian Town/沙田镇等, Dongguan City/东莞市, GPS coordinates: 23.01694,113.73709
>> Guangdong/广东, 514376 Shatian Town/砂田镇等, Fengshun County/丰顺县, GPS coordinates: 24.13977,116.45223
>> Guangdong/广东, 525254 Shatian Town/沙田镇等, Gaozhou City/高州市, GPS coordinates: 21.90204,110.7184
>> Guangdong/广东, 511170 Shatian Town/沙田镇等, Xinfeng County/新丰县, GPS coordinates: 23.99579,113.92644