Average GPS coordinates for Chengguan Township/城关乡等 Postcode location: 32.1, 112.84. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Chengguan Township/城关乡等 on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (5):
>> Henan/河南, 456463 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Hua County/滑县, GPS coordinates: 35.56235,114.55884
>> Henan/河南, 463401 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Pingyu County/平舆县, GPS coordinates: 32.90321,114.46296
>> Henan/河南, 467500 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Ruzhou City/汝州市, GPS coordinates: 34.16696,112.84454
>> Henan/河南, 450100 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Yingyang City/荥阳市, GPS coordinates: 22.81708,108.36547
>> Henan/河南, 453500 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Yuanyang County/原阳县, GPS coordinates: 35.0527,113.96786
Listing cities & postcodes (5):
>> Henan/河南, 456463 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Hua County/滑县, GPS coordinates: 35.56235,114.55884
>> Henan/河南, 463401 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Pingyu County/平舆县, GPS coordinates: 32.90321,114.46296
>> Henan/河南, 467500 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Ruzhou City/汝州市, GPS coordinates: 34.16696,112.84454
>> Henan/河南, 450100 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Yingyang City/荥阳市, GPS coordinates: 22.81708,108.36547
>> Henan/河南, 453500 Chengguan Township/城关乡等, Yuanyang County/原阳县, GPS coordinates: 35.0527,113.96786