Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等 Postcode (China)

Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等 Postcode: 474175, 463801, 473317, 473401, 474760, 475400, 453100, 466200, 473502, 463601, 474260 (Number of Postcodes: 11 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in China click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等 Postcode location: 33.227, 113.462. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (11):
>> Henan/河南, 474175 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Dengzhou City/邓州市, GPS coordinates: 32.66554,112.09406
>> Henan/河南, 463801 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Shangcai County/上蔡县, GPS coordinates: 33.28271,114.21433
>> Henan/河南, 473317 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Sheqi County/社旗县, GPS coordinates: 33.04555,112.93865
>> Henan/河南, 473401 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Tanghe County/唐河县, GPS coordinates: 32.68248,112.85435
>> Henan/河南, 474760 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Tongbai County/桐柏县, GPS coordinates: 32.36986,113.40299
>> Henan/河南, 475400 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Tongxu County/通许县, GPS coordinates: 34.4809,114.46728
>> Henan/河南, 453100 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Weihui City/卫辉市, GPS coordinates: 35.40112,114.06897
>> Henan/河南, 466200 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Xiangcheng City/项城市, GPS coordinates: 33.46725,114.87559
>> Henan/河南, 473502 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Xinye County/新野县, GPS coordinates: 32.51657,112.36957
>> Henan/河南, 463601 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Zhengyang County/正阳县, GPS coordinates: 32.54777,114.54538
>> Henan/河南, 474260 Chengjiao Township/城郊乡等, Zhenping County/镇平县, GPS coordinates: 33.04247,112.25243