Average GPS coordinates for Baisha Town/白沙镇等 Postcode location: 26.986, 111.259. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Baisha Town/白沙镇等 on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (3):
>> Hunan/湖南, 421507 Baisha Town/白沙镇等, Changning City/常宁市, GPS coordinates: 26.15205,112.66208
>> Hunan/湖南, 416100 Baisha Town/白沙镇等, Luxi County/泸溪县, GPS coordinates: 28.21666,110.21963
>> Hunan/湖南, 422708 Baisha Town/白沙镇等, Xinning County/新宁县, GPS coordinates: 26.58929,110.89394
Listing cities & postcodes (3):
>> Hunan/湖南, 421507 Baisha Town/白沙镇等, Changning City/常宁市, GPS coordinates: 26.15205,112.66208
>> Hunan/湖南, 416100 Baisha Town/白沙镇等, Luxi County/泸溪县, GPS coordinates: 28.21666,110.21963
>> Hunan/湖南, 422708 Baisha Town/白沙镇等, Xinning County/新宁县, GPS coordinates: 26.58929,110.89394