Baisha Township/白沙乡等 Postcode (China)

Baisha Township/白沙乡等 Postcode: 410146, 425903, 410311, 417609, 413005, 424222 (Number of Postcodes: 6 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in China click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Baisha Township/白沙乡等 Postcode location: 27.484, 112.491. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Baisha Township/白沙乡等 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (6):
>> Hunan/湖南, 410146 Baisha Township/白沙乡等, Changsha County/长沙县, GPS coordinates: 28.58657,113.21402
>> Hunan/湖南, 425903 Baisha Township/白沙乡等, "Dong'an County/东安县", GPS coordinates: 26.30777,111.24377
>> Hunan/湖南, 410311 Baisha Township/白沙乡等, Liuyang City/浏阳市, GPS coordinates: 28.46987,114.09207
>> Hunan/湖南, 417609 Baisha Township/白沙乡等, Xinhua County/新化县, GPS coordinates: 27.80439,111.26884
>> Hunan/湖南, 413005 Baisha Township/白沙乡等, Yiyang City/益阳市, GPS coordinates: 28.64895,112.23986
>> Hunan/湖南, 424222 Baisha Township/白沙乡等, Yizhang County/宜章县, GPS coordinates: 25.08511,112.8899