Average GPS coordinates for Chengdong Township/城东乡等 Postcode location: 33.008, 119.368. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Chengdong Township/城东乡等 on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (5):
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 223232 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Chuzhou District/楚州区, GPS coordinates: 33.53266,119.17253
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 224215 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Dongtai City/东台市, GPS coordinates: 32.8651,120.33537
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 222100 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Ganyu County/赣榆县, GPS coordinates: 34.84103,119.1249
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 213200 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Jintan City/金坛市, GPS coordinates: 31.74046,119.57804
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 211800 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Pukou District/浦口区, GPS coordinates: 32.05886,118.62762
Listing cities & postcodes (5):
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 223232 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Chuzhou District/楚州区, GPS coordinates: 33.53266,119.17253
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 224215 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Dongtai City/东台市, GPS coordinates: 32.8651,120.33537
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 222100 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Ganyu County/赣榆县, GPS coordinates: 34.84103,119.1249
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 213200 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Jintan City/金坛市, GPS coordinates: 31.74046,119.57804
>> Jiangsu/江苏, 211800 Chengdong Township/城东乡等, Pukou District/浦口区, GPS coordinates: 32.05886,118.62762