Baimiao Township/白庙乡等 Postcode (China)

Baimiao Township/白庙乡等 Postcode: 636003, 645150, 643101, 621102, 638352, 641200 (Number of Postcodes: 6 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in China click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Baimiao Township/白庙乡等 Postcode location: 30.214, 105.347. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Baimiao Township/白庙乡等 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (6):
>> Sichuan/四川, 636003 Baimiao Township/白庙乡等, Bazhong City/巴中市, GPS coordinates: 31.86131,106.72846
>> Sichuan/四川, 645150 Baimiao Township/白庙乡等, Gao County/高县, GPS coordinates: 28.43644,104.51791
>> Sichuan/四川, 643101 Baimiao Township/白庙乡等, Rong County/荣县, GPS coordinates: 29.37387,104.60416
>> Sichuan/四川, 621102 Baimiao Township/白庙乡等, Santai County/三台县, GPS coordinates: 31.31935,104.95336
>> Sichuan/四川, 638352 Baimiao Township/白庙乡等, Yuechi County/岳池县, GPS coordinates: 30.51822,106.42347
>> Sichuan/四川, 641200 Baimiao Township/白庙乡等, Zizhong County/资中县, GPS coordinates: 29.77515,104.8528